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How To Increase Chances For An Interview In 7 Seconds With Your Resume

Updated: Aug 3

Recruiters have been speeding up the hiring process for decades now. They are coming up with new smarter ways for analyzing your resumes to accommodate the high number of applications in a shorter period.

According to DoMyResume.NET, the average time a recruiter spends reviewing/analyzing your resume is 6-7 seconds to begin with. Imagine how much performance pressure is on your resume that gets just 7 seconds to prove itself.

For many years recruiters have been taking the help of psychology to know more about the candidates so that they can find a perfect match. In this article, we will discuss how an effective professionally written resume can play with recruiters' minds and convince them to shortlist candidates.

Without understanding the recruiter’s psychology, it is nearly impossible to impress them with a resume in just 7 seconds.

Stand Out From The Crowd With Your Resume!

Remember, before impressing recruiters in the evaluation, it is important to get picked for the evaluation. That’s why it is very important to work on uniqueness and hire a credible resume writing services that can showcase your talents and skills that will help you land interviews.

All those resumes that share some commonalities amongst them in colors, templates, patterns, or content are more likely to get ignored and one that is unique from the rest of them in some aspects is more likely to get picked for evaluation. Whenever the human brain finds something unique in a group it automatically transfers its attention towards it.

This trick can help candidates in two ways. First, it decreases the candidate's chance of rejection and increases attention. Try to be as unique as possible and get help from resume writing experts because they know how to craft a winning resume while meeting all relevant resume writing standards.

Design Resumes That Can Attract Visually

Human psychology has a lot to do with our senses, and the sense of sight is one powerful sense that shapes our thoughts and influences rational decisions. So, the very first thing to work on your resume is to make it visually attractive. This psychological trick will help you to capture eye time and have a great first impression on the recruiter. Do not make the mistake of filling up your resume with multiple colors and visuals, focus more on its layout, content and overall style.

Elements like fonts size, fonts styles, text alignment, color combinations, visibility of fonts, and creative use of space vary from one industry to another so you should hire the best resume writing company because they know all these tricks.

Keywords & Their Psychological Effectiveness

Strong and relevant keywords in your resume won’t just help you to pass the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) but also helps catch the recruiters’ attention towards your resume. As recruiters have a very short time (7seconds) to look at your resume, relevant keywords subconsciously help in creating a match between your profile and the job description in their mind. For candidates, it is very important to go through the job description in detail, list out the important keywords and incorporate them in their resumes.

Build Relevancy Through Your Content

A recruiters’ brain consciously or subconsciously is always looking for relevancy in the job applications. Presenting yourself relevantly through resumes will always have a positive effect on your application. Building relevancy is easy when your resume (written by a top resume writer) has all relevant skills, keywords, experience, and accomplishments mentioned.

The relevancy does not have to be restricted to the experience or skill sections only; all the sections of your resume like profile summary, and qualifications must have some relevancy to the job. A relevant profile will psychologically enable the recruiter to shortlist your application for further process.

Make Achievements & Accomplishments Quantifiable

While defining your accomplishments or achievements always try to present them in quantitative form rather than subjective form so that the impact can be easily observed. Quantitative data has a great influence on the brain compared to qualitative data, which is difficult to understand and remember. Include numbers, percentages, ratios as some of the primary tools in your professional resume to quantify your accomplishments and achievements.

Make A Resume That Is Easy To Review

Another psychological trick that can help you to increase the chances of getting shortlisted for an interview is to convey the impression that you have made an effort to create ease for the recruiter. When screening out resumes, recruiters love resumes that are easy to read and all experiences are easily noticeable. When reviewers find all the required information in the right section in front of their eyes without trying hard to find or getting confused, they spend more time on them. If your resume can successfully build this impression, you are going to get the interview call for sure. Resume writing companies can demonstrate your achievements and career objectives better than you can.

Create An Association To Make A Memorable Profile

Creating an association with something helps in building a memory. The recruiter might not remember your name but will remember the association that they made with your profile while looking at it. Try to give them as many options as you can to build an association with your profile because through these, they can easily recall your profile whenever needed.

An association could be anything from the content of your resume but include only those that can have a positive effect. For example; high grades, social work, any adventurous activity, famous project/organization you worked on, etc.

Focus On Matching Through Your Personality

Match with the candidates' personality and organizational culture acts as a barrier even if a candidate has a perfect match concerning skills and experience. The goal should be to create a noticeable association through your resume, between your personality and the existing culture at the workplace. Do some research about the organization, know about the culture, and present yourself accordingly.

Engage Your Recruiter To Buy More Time

Your recruiter has a very short time to review your resume so your focus should be on buying more time. It is important to understand what they would like to see or read so that you can engage them with your content by making it interesting or useful enough for them. Adding constructive and powerful statements crafted beautifully are one way to do it. You must apply this strategy in every section.

According to Sigmund Freud, around 95% of the decision-making is influenced by the subconscious mind. When there is a lot of decision-making involved in the recruitment processes, incorporating some psychological tricks while making your resume can significantly increase its effectiveness for capturing a sufficient time of recruiter's attention and increasing your chances of getting an interview call.

So, to ensure you get full or more than 7 seconds at the recruiter’s desk, follow these steps and if you need help, go for the top-rated resume writing service.

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