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What Information Do Hiring Managers Require On A Resume?

Updated: Sep 29, 2021

A clever resume is a necessary evil that gets the job done—by getting you the interview call. Why evil you ask? Well, boiling down your life’s work into a single piece of paper is pretty dark. It literally frustrates you when you have to write so little about so much you have learned, experienced, and achieved. This is because the hiring managers only have time to read important information on a professional resume, but they don’t have the time to read everything.

Phoenix AZ local resume professionals

Most job seekers know that on average, hiring managers spend only 15 seconds, or less, on a resume. But did you know that out of those 15 seconds, only 6 seconds are spent on reading the keywords while 9 seconds are surfed searching for them. According to Business Insider, in these 6 seconds, recruiters look for your,

  • Name

  • Current company and position

  • Start and end date

  • Previous position and dates

  • Education information

This clarifies that this information should be presented with 100% precision, otherwise hiring manager could get irritated searching for this information and dump your application (even tear it apart, who knows?) without feeling sorry for it. If these five items were according to the job’s requirements, the reviewers will dig deep into the resume and may spend a minute or two.

So the question “what information do hiring managers require on a resume?” is technically not different from “what does a perfect resume look like?” So let’s cut to the chase.

They want skills that are relevant:

Yes, you are multi-talented but filling up the resume with your qualities that have nothing to do with the job is going to do exactly that … Nothing! You must align your skills with the company’s interest by putting your relevant skills in the front, right where hiring managers want them. You can, however, let them have a glimpse of your other skills in a few charming lines afterward.

Phoenix AZ local resume professionals

They want experience that is dynamic:

A functional experience points towards those duties and responsibilities that you have successfully carried out in the past and are going to do in the company reviewing your professional resume. This section must layout how you handled different situations, for how long and what was the outcome. Hiring managers want you to be a can-do person and your experience with the past employers is the only way to figure that out.

They want accomplishments that are measurable:

Recruiters analyze your capabilities by measuring your past successes, hence called achievements. Your achievements do not depend on how a business thrived while you were employed in a company but how you held your ground and how well you performed during the crises.

They want employment history that is irresistible:

As employment history matters, the resume reviewers readily get impressed by the mention of high profile companies. It is only at this point where relevancy can be taken aback. For instance, if you used to work for Facebook, you have the charisma that hiring managers would definitely want. Big multinational companies look so great on your resume that hiring managers feel disposed to overlook the few things that you didn’t capture on your resume.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Resume structure should catch recruiter’s attention in a way that his/her eyes first fall on employment history with dates and duration, following skills and education.

  • Highlight your marketable skills that are both relevant and reflect their positive impacts on your career and on the business of previous companies.

  • Marketable skills come with proof. So always write any relevant certification that you either acquired by passing a course at an institution or a recognition award given to you for your outstanding role in an organization.

  • To highlight your relevant skills, experience, and achievements; use the job description to find out what the hiring company is looking for.

  • Career summary should pack everything in a friendly and convincing language without trivial details.

  • Big companies take your resume to the next level; so make sure you gave them a good mention.

  • Your core competencies and accomplishments are the leading keywords of your professional resume. Don’t try to define them like terminologies, just write them down in bullet points, clean and sleek.

  • Use powerful keywords and catch phrases that hiring managers can’t ignore. They vary with jobs, otherwise, we would have listed them here.

How to make sure the hiring managers don’t dump your resume?

One way to assess/tack this problem is to put yourself in the recruiters’ shoes. Once you have finished your professional resume, including the design and layout, perform a critical analysis within 6 seconds. If you can get to all the necessary information in that time, your resume will pass the screening test.

Moral of the Story: Relative things matter, rest is just a blabber:

ONLY relevant skills, experience, and achievements are marketable, the rest is just a fluff that could sometimes prove fruitful. The information should not only be relevant but concise as well.

How Do My Resume.Net can help build a resume that really impresses hiring managers?

Our writers have decades of resume writing experience, and while after reading all this, you may feel stressed and not up to “the perfect resume writing” challenge. It is an everyday story here at Do My Resume.Net. We know all the keywords, catch phrases and layouts that not only get your resume noticed but also gets you called in for interviews. So make sure you hired a top rated and expert professional resume writing consultant in Glendale and Phoenix AZ.

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