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Will Employers Verify The Information On My Resume?

Updated: Sep 29, 2021

Some job seekers, especially those that have been in the workforce for decades, don’t pay attention to details when writing their resume. Some can’t remember old employment dates, so they put provisional ones. Others try to hide certain things about their careers. Some will simply make up facts, thinking employers won’t really bother verifying information written in the resume.

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These job seekers are utterly, completely wrong and are putting their entire careers on the line. Don’t make these mistakes. Create an honest and concise resume before applying. If you’re having trouble remembering dates, or if you’re unsure what to put in a resume, find a local reputable resume writing service nearby and ask for assistance.

Verifying Resume Data

Do employers verify the information on your resume? They most definitely do. Their approach, and the depth of information they’ll look for, can vary. When it comes to their approach, there are two ways to go about verifying information provided in a resume.

How Do Employers Verify Information On Your Resume?

One, they might do their due diligence themselves, or two – they might hire a third party to do it for them.

The type of information they’ll look for, and the depth of their research, can also vary. Usually, employers will seek out your former employers and try to learn how they perceived you, and if you were a valuable asset to the company. They can also ask for information on your earnings, and the reasons behind you leaving the company. There is no law stating which information must be given out, and which must be kept secret, but most former employers don’t give this type of information that easy.

Employers Hire 3rd Party Verification Agencies

Hired third parties, however, will probably dig a little deeper. If you have any employment gaps, they’ll most likely try to find out where you were and what you were doing at the time. If you held a position briefly, they might also be interested in finding out why you left so soon. Also, things that usually don’t make it into resumes, like criminal history, or any history of violent conduct, could also be on the agenda.

Why You Should Never Lie On Your Resume

Maybe you had a rich professional history and simply forgot to list a few things. Maybe you considered them irrelevant. Even with the best of intentions, employers might perceive it as lying in resumes, and there is no quicker way of destroying your career. That is why you should never write your own resumes.

Instead, find a local professional resume writing company and ask for their help. A professional resume writer will know exactly what to pay attention to and how to organize your resume to make it both concise, to list only relevant information, and still to avoid looking like you’re trying to hide something.

Seek Expert Resume Writing Assistance

Not paying attention to details in a resume can bring a lot of unwanted trouble.
Even if your intentions were good, this type of mistake can be misinterpreted. As a result, you won’t get that job interview invite. Always start with the assumption that the hiring managers will do their due diligence and verify the information you supplied. Some will even go a step further, looking for things that aren’t even mentioned in the document, like criminal records or history of violent misconduct.
Honesty is always the right approach. However, hiring a good resume writing company can be beneficial when it comes to understanding how to present yourself in the best light.

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