Congratulations! After a professional resume update, you applied and are now meeting your potential future boss. Just don’t talk about the weather.
How to start small talk with your potential future boss?
Be Curious Not Judgmental – Ted Lasso.
It is true people often feel better after a conversation if they get to talk about themselves but that doesn’t mean it is a good idea to interrogate or judge (even positively). Your future boss, colleague, etc. knows a lot more about the occupation, industry and business than you do. Plus they have a different life experience.
Start with FORD. You can keep these professional while still learning about the person.
Do you have family here in town?
It’s important to only follow up on what is offered. If they don’t mention spouse or kids, it's best not to ask.
Obviously, you know where they work today. This is an opportunity to show that you have some high level knowledge and curiosity about their career.
This is often the easiest to start with out of FORD.
What keeps you busy outside of the office?
If near the beach, mountain, wide outdoor space it might be an easy opener if that is what drew them to the area.
This is best done informally as a follow up. If relating to personal goals and professional goals, be honest. For a high schooler, getting their first car or apartment might be the dream and a motivator for the role. For some early career it might be setting roots. For those later in your career it might be community and impact.
Guard Rails. Set up guard rails when thinking about potential small talk or when the time comes. It is best to avoid any of the following:
Physical Appearance (including compliments)
Anything PG-13 or more
Most cultural items/experiences/views (a big local festival may be fine, commenting on ethnicities or experiences likely not)