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5 Of the Most Difficult Questions Asked In an Interview

Updated: Sep 30, 2021

At one point in any person’s life, he or she has been subjected to the pressure and stress involved in an employment interview. It doesn’t matter whether you think you are qualified or suited for the job, there will always be bouts of anxiety and worrisome days leading up to the day of the interview.

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You want to do well, and you want to project your best image to the interviewer, so it’s normal for the pressure to mount. You prepare yourself, your mood, your clothes, your smile, but you can never fully prepare for the kinds of questions that may come your way.

But it’s best to be prepared. Here are some of the most difficult questions one is bound to face in any interview, and how to properly answer them:

  • Why should I hire you? – According to business and financial institution Forbes, this question is a sure inclusion in all interviews, but is also the most overlooked. This question gauges your preparation, and the kind of skills your possible employer is looking for that fits the job. So it’s best to do your research and know the details of the job description and appropriately answer each line with the skills that you have. Provide references to your skills and competence by providing details such as training certificates, or by describing similar tasks you have accomplished in the past.

  • What is your biggest weakness? – For job site, this question should be deftly answered in a way that lets you direct your answer towards your strengths. In their career advise section, says “Never draw negative attention to yourself by stating a weakness that would lead an employer to think you are not the best person for the job,” and suggests you answer along the lines of, “I have a tendency to say yes and get overcommitted,” and then pivoting how you’re working on better prioritizing at work.

  • Why is there a gap in your work history? – For many of us who have had the misfortune of being unemployed for a significant amount of time, that gap in-between jobs can be a concern for many employers. But should this be a point raised during the interview, choose activities you may want to highlight during that period that would signify productivity on your part. Citing notable freelance work or relevant trainings and learning experiences during the downtime is an excellent way to inform your interviewer that the time was spent productively.

  • Tell me about yourself – Forbes again cites the importance of this question, noting that it is a warm-up for the interview. As such, it is important to keep your answer to under a minute, focusing on education, past work, and recent career experiences. Your personal life is not the point here, so keep that limited.

  • Where do you see yourself in three to five years? – According to’s career advise section, this is the worst time to answer “I have no idea.” Not only would this give the clear impression that you are clueless and have no direction, but it does not sound assuring for the employer that you are interested in sticking around for the job. Answer promptly and express that your time in assessing yourself and your current situation has led you to this interview and that this is the perfect venue for you at your current state. It also helps to express that you want to build your career with the company.

Keep in mind that being honest is still the best way to go during interviews, as the interviewer is bound to sense whether you are sincere or not, but be aware of what you are saying at all times, and as much as possible, and try not to drone on.

Last but not least, make sure that you hired one of the best and most well respected resume writing services that knows how to highlight your career achievements. Without a properly written resume and cover letter, you are bound to have a difficult time landing those interviews. According to an expert and professional resume writing company, Do My Resume.NET, located in Phoenix AZ, they state, “pick only the best resume writing service that hires only certified professional resume writers”.

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